指 語 F i n g e r L a n g u a g e [ TSL ] Social Campaign
TSL 謝瑞麟, Hong Kong founded jewellery boutique with 247 branches in 4 Regions & Nations.

C h a l l e n g e
With young consumers – the future of the affluent demographic – growing into a driving force of the luxury market, TSL aimed to better connect with this audience through a new collection of stackable rings that offered a more accessible price point and casual design.While social media was the ideal channel to reach Hong Kong’s youth, the real question was – how can we cut through the noise and grab their attention in this highly cluttered and dynamic social media environment?
I n s i g h t
Growing up in the internet age, young consumers have become more opinionated than ever, and are eager to express themselves. More than anything, they care about their likes and shares on social media, as the culmination of these are a reflection of their values, attitudes and preferences. A reflection of who they are.A generation of self-proclaimed thought leaders, they can’t be bought, convinced or bargained with. To connect with them, we had to champion their voices, and make believers out of them. As such, we positioned TSL’s collection of stackable rings to take a stand for self-expression. And the idea of ‘Finger Language’ was born.
D e f i n i t i o n o f f i n g e r l a n g u a g e 指 語 :
A gesture, bold and true.
An invitation to believe ; A declaration of love ; A challenge to fly ;
A perfection of flaws. In a sign that rings true. To those in your heart.

愛是一種不死信仰 True Love never dies

不信有路才行,信前行就有 Believe in yourself and the world will unfold before you

愛是一種不死信仰 True Love never dies

不信有路才行,信前行就有路 Believe in yourself and the world will unfold before you

相信你的不完美,才是最完美 Our flaws make us perfect.

信在一起,怎變,也會在一起 Always together in love

信念就是,世界叫停,也要演下去 Belief is keeping going when the whole world tells you to stop

人人天生都有翅膀,你信,就可以飛 If you believe you can fly, you can fly
I d e a e l a b o r a t i o n s :
Centred on this unique ‘finger language’, the campaign encouraged people to express themselves through TSL’s collection of stackable rings. The ring they choose, the way they wear it, is a statement of their attitude. It represents their story of passion and belief. To communicate this idea with grit and authenticity, we employed key opinion leaders (KOLs) to engage the youth, and to generate more conversations in the social-sphere.
" 不斷想來想去的叫「理念」,用手用力去做的才叫「信念」
“ What you think about over and over is called ‘Concept’.
What you do with your sweat and blood is called ‘Belief’. ”
Ricky Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Television Network Limited
“ What you think about over and over is called ‘Concept’.
What you do with your sweat and blood is called ‘Belief’. ”
Ricky Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Television Network Limited

" 我不是英雄,但我會為香港足球變得英勇。
“ I'm no hero. But I will stand for Hong Kong football. ”
Yapp Hung-fai, Hong Kong Premiere League Club Eastern goalkeeper
“ I'm no hero. But I will stand for Hong Kong football. ”
Yapp Hung-fai, Hong Kong Premiere League Club Eastern goalkeeper

" 相信我的不完美,在你心中也是完美。
" My imperfections are perfect in your eyes. "
Ivana Wong, Canto-pop singer, songwriter and actress
" My imperfections are perfect in your eyes. "
Ivana Wong, Canto-pop singer, songwriter and actress

" 你認為是犧牲,我卻認為值得付出一生。
" Sacrifies? I think it is worth doing. "
Stephanie Au, two-time swimmer from Hong Kong at the Olympics
" Sacrifies? I think it is worth doing. "
Stephanie Au, two-time swimmer from Hong Kong at the Olympics

" 不怕迎難而上,只要向著對的方向。
每個人總會遇到低谷,但永遠不要相信等待,等待只會徒勞無功。要令自己Keep going,每一個學習,每一個嘗試,都令自己向前行了一小步。要不怕碰壁,向著目標,一步一步的追上去。"
“ Not afraid of difficulties, when you are on the right way. ”
Phil Lam, Canto-pop singer-songwriter
每個人總會遇到低谷,但永遠不要相信等待,等待只會徒勞無功。要令自己Keep going,每一個學習,每一個嘗試,都令自己向前行了一小步。要不怕碰壁,向著目標,一步一步的追上去。"
“ Not afraid of difficulties, when you are on the right way. ”
Phil Lam, Canto-pop singer-songwriter

" 決定要闖,沒有什麼可以阻擋。
“ Once you set your mind to explore, nothing can stop you.”
Akina Fong Kin Yee, former principal reporter and anchor of Television Broadcasts Limited
“ Once you set your mind to explore, nothing can stop you.”
Akina Fong Kin Yee, former principal reporter and anchor of Television Broadcasts Limited

" 不懂放下仇恨,等於把自己當作敵人。
做任何事, 都有人讚賞與批評。如果每個批評都擺在心中,受傷的只會是自己。保持和平的心,不值得記住就忘記;你要對自己好一點。"
" Hurt yourself or let go of hatred. "
Cheuk Wan-chi, Hong Kong’s youngest DJ ever, author and stand-up comedian
做任何事, 都有人讚賞與批評。如果每個批評都擺在心中,受傷的只會是自己。保持和平的心,不值得記住就忘記;你要對自己好一點。"
" Hurt yourself or let go of hatred. "
Cheuk Wan-chi, Hong Kong’s youngest DJ ever, author and stand-up comedian

" 不要怕與人不同,做回自己就會發現你的小宇宙。
“ Don’t be afraid of being different, just be yourself and you will find your way. ”
Eman Lam, Canto-pop singer and musician
“ Don’t be afraid of being different, just be yourself and you will find your way. ”
Eman Lam, Canto-pop singer and musician

" 當世界叫你停,更要用努力去証明。
年輕不是罪。也許所行的每一步都有人加諸審判,在前路添加障礙,但障礙是為試煉一個人是否值得得到機會而設置的。「努力不是一種才華,放棄才是最大代價。」再多 NG,要相信下一個就係 GOOD TAKE!"
“ The next step when the world asks you to stop - prove it further. ’’
Heiward Mak, award-winning movie director
年輕不是罪。也許所行的每一步都有人加諸審判,在前路添加障礙,但障礙是為試煉一個人是否值得得到機會而設置的。「努力不是一種才華,放棄才是最大代價。」再多 NG,要相信下一個就係 GOOD TAKE!"
“ The next step when the world asks you to stop - prove it further. ’’
Heiward Mak, award-winning movie director

" 遇上再多掙扎,跟隨內心,就是對的選擇。
十指交叉,代表著我入行至出道,都充滿起伏。家人的勸阻,令我曾經懷疑自己,對前路很迷茫。但有人跟我說 "Never give up, someday you will make it. " 這句話我一直記在心上,我知道我的選擇,只需要向自己的靈魂交代,要堅守自己熱愛的音樂走下去。"
“ No matter how struggling you are, just listen to your heart.”
Aga, Canto-pop singer-song writer
十指交叉,代表著我入行至出道,都充滿起伏。家人的勸阻,令我曾經懷疑自己,對前路很迷茫。但有人跟我說 "Never give up, someday you will make it. " 這句話我一直記在心上,我知道我的選擇,只需要向自己的靈魂交代,要堅守自己熱愛的音樂走下去。"
“ No matter how struggling you are, just listen to your heart.”
Aga, Canto-pop singer-song writer

" 雙眼背後藏著的靈魂, 埋著肉眼看不見的美麗。
" Insistence is the invisible toughest beauty "
Lilian Kan, model turned fashion brand owner
" Insistence is the invisible toughest beauty "
Lilian Kan, model turned fashion brand owner

" 懂得珍惜當前,希望就在當下。
" Live life, believe in hope. "
Kate Yeung, actress and singer
" Live life, believe in hope. "
Kate Yeung, actress and singer
Centred on this unique ‘finger language’, the campaign encouraged people to express themselves through TSL’s collection of stackable rings. The ring they choose, the way they wear it, is a statement of their attitude. It represents their story of passion and belief. To communicate this idea with grit and authenticity, we employed key opinion leaders (KOLs) to engage the youth, and to generate more conversations in the social-sphere.
The success of our campaign didn’t only hinge on the popularity of our KOLs, but rather the reasons behind their popularity, and as such, we had to be extremely selective. Rather than choosing individuals with the most popular beliefs and attitudes, what we were looking for were those with the strongest and most respectable of convictions, for they would be the true people’s champion that young people aspired to.

Twelve KOLs were chosen, each with a story of passion to share. Social media visuals and messaging were highly individualistic, focusing on attitude rather than product, and focusing on our KOL’s unique stories rather than a homogenous brand message.
R e s u l t s
The campaign dominated social media. We reached nearly 3 million people. In terms of awareness and engagement, even though our campaign was launched in the festive and competitive season with several competitors’ digital campaigns launched in same month, we outperformed other brands in the industry by over 7,600% in likes; as well as over 4,400% in comments and over 700% in shares.The campaign was well received in the market with positive comments. The relevance of the campaign idea, the selective choices of KOLs, and the meaningful stories shared by KOLs were highly praised by customers, mass media, and industry publications.
The campaign successfully connected TSL with a broader and younger audience. And most importantly, for young consumers, TSL has become a brand they related to even more.
S o c i a l B u z z :
︎ #指語 ( Facebook )︎ #指語 ( Instagram )
Marketing Magazine
Campaign Brief Asia
Campaign Japan
Little Black Book
AM730 廣告人語 - 畢明 - 講開又講代言人
廣告狂人 Madman Monologue 廣告壹句
AM730 - Ray手記 - 名人用手指說故事
Apple Daily-英雄輝拍廣告唔知價
Apple Daily- 中環在線:型格look拍廣告 王維基免費幫謝瑞麟
Oriental Daily - 葉鴻輝歐鎧淳型爆拍廣告
MingPao - 謝瑞麟12「指語」 王維基講「信念」王菀之﹕愛情愈簡單愈真摯
The Sun - 葉鴻輝歐鎧淳Chok住拍廣告
Skypost - 謝瑞麟搵王維基演繹戒指
A w a r d s :
Best Photography Ad | The Next Digital Creative Awards 2016Finalist | Best Idea – Social category | MARKies Awards 2015
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C r e d i t s:
Group Creative Director: Francis ChungSenior Art Director: Shadow Ng
Art Director: Wai wai wai
Copywriter: Penny Lau
Project in Dec 2015