Background :
With little information spread across Hong Kong, SUNING is perceived solely as electronic applicant chains. Not many of Hong Kong people know this listed company has acquired Internazionale Milano, her businesses covering from O2O fin-tech, real estate, media & entertainment, investment fund to all-kinds of retail marts. The hugeness and fullness of SUNING’s business demonstrates her vision and motto, caring people by roundly services.
Create the SUNING character, uplift the brand image from ground retail level to a level with class and vision.
Refreshes Hong Kong market towards the unseen sides of SUNING.
How we grab eyeballs?
Stupid crazy social content had flipped the traditional advertisement over. What if the new new getting to be another kind of tradition? Advertising should say no to ME-TOO.
Overwhelmed by crazy bolded content on social media, a simple, genuine piece of work definitely can wake the saturated market up.
It’s just a DIALOGUE.
No more extreme actions, simplest down to a single dialogue between two generations. Simple not simpler, the hardest to craft. The craftsmanship went back to the power from a few words, drama from the well-selected celebrities, scenarios and the mood by music.
Tone and manner:
Upscale, classy, but also friendly and down-to-earth.
Selected artists for the selected dialogue:
To create the tensions between two generation and to deliver the genuineness, we carefully selected the local artists with strong mankind image, experienced and possess a very positive image on the topic they going to endorsed.

C r e a t i v e i d e a :
What a big brand should behave like? Holding the values of two generations,
SUNING is reliable, ambitious and rule-breaking.

E p i s o d e 1:
CARING 顧家>> Reliable like godfather,caring like family man.
Super: What makes a man reliable?
Ti Lung: Godfather doesn’t mean to be cool but caring every single one around.
Rex: To look after my family is the only simple aim I have.
Ti Lung: It’s already uneasy. Even as simple as to have a dinner time altogether.
Rex: Any tips?
Action: Dick caught the flowing hat for Rex.
Rex: Thank you godfather!
Ti Lung: Call me bro, haven’t been godfather for long.
Super: Man should - do his best for people.
VO: Suning Spirit, every man should possess.

E p i s o d e 2:
Ambitious and dream big, never look down himself but aim high.
Super: Ain’t man need to be ambitious?
Kenneth Tsang Kong : Dream? Never exists in old days.
Rex: Huh? No dreams? Impossible!
Kenneth Tsang Kong : Nah, doesn't it sounds comfy to stay simple?
Rex: I want to be the world best even I failed straight in the public exam.
Action: Rex has Kenneth’s back
Kenneth Tsang Kong : Cool, keep going!
Super: Man should - be ambitious, with visions.
VO: Suning Spirit, every man should possess.
Super: Ain’t man need to be ambitious?
Kenneth Tsang Kong : Dream? Never exists in old days.
Rex: Huh? No dreams? Impossible!
Kenneth Tsang Kong : Nah, doesn't it sounds comfy to stay simple?
Rex: I want to be the world best even I failed straight in the public exam.
Action: Rex has Kenneth’s back
Kenneth Tsang Kong : Cool, keep going!
Super: Man should - be ambitious, with visions.
VO: Suning Spirit, every man should possess.

E p i s o d e 3:
>> Dare to express. Put down the old rules, only strength remains.
Super: Man shouldn’t cry?
Bryan Leung Ka-yan: Three times, dad taught me men can only cry for three times in life:
The birth day, and the moments when parent and wife passing away.
Rex: I cry after the matches, everytime.
Bryan Leung Ka-yan: Courage is, you only bleed, not cry. I was good at that.
Rex: For real?
Action: Bryan, Rex plays
Super: Man should - be dare to explore, open up the future
VO: Suning Spirit, every man should possess.
Group Creative Director: Teddy Leung, Andrew Lee
Associate Creative Director: Ronald Chong
Senior Art Director: Chris Leung
Art Director: Waiwai Wai
Project in December 2016