Starbite Emoticon



Pizza Hut was launching a new pizza called Starbitez.
It named with its star-liked pizza shape.

Product feature: The layered crust with cheese and sausage.

Young adults / big groups

Creative idea
Pizza Emoticon

Get the young adults to order Starbite Pizza by adding fun in the gathering.

Idea Statement:  星星講你心聲

We have many emotional thoughts in heart, but hard to find a chance to speak it out.  The uniques shape of crust enables you to level down the hurdle of expression. It is like playing talking. Share your emotions in a fun and expressive way!

Idea Executions

Play with the product feature, make the crust memorable via emoticons.
Dine in Pizza Hut and connected with the product! Bring you added value more than just a pizza.

Spreading Channel: TV Commercial + Print

Creative Director: Kenneth Tung
Associate Creative Director: Rachel Lo

Senior Art Director: Brenda Ting

Assistant Art Director: Wai Wai Wai

Copywriter: Ealon Li

Project in June 2014