
Explain the three types of Dettol" healthy Skin" Shower Foams and the different benefits each offered in a way that would cut through conventional TV advertising.
Our skin behaves differently in a different weather conditions and thus requires different types of care.
The different Dettol Shower Foams provided a solution.
Radiance helps in sunny weather, Moisturizing helps in low humidity, Sensitive helps when pollution levels are high.
TVC Solution
Present the TV commercial in a form of weather report. Corresponding reports will be board-casted according to the weather of the day.
Activation Solution
Clearly weather was the key. So we decided to present the benefits of Dettol Foam through
"Weather Reports." But as the weather is unpredictable, we wanted our Reports to be unpredictable too.
So we invited passers by in the street to be our "Weather Girls" and present the reports in their own unpredictable ways.
Even we didn't know what the Report would be like!
The largest and most unpredictable series of Commercials in Hong Kong”
We created over 200 different Reports in just 4 days!
This was the largest series of completely random TV commercials ever boardcast on the top two channels in Hong Kong- the #1 rated TV satiation and yahoo.
We also put the clips on social networks like Facebook and YouTube.
in the 14 days of the campaign over 80,000 viewers clicked onto the Reports online.
We turned TV commercials into Weather Report with mass public engagement.
Creative Director: Kenneth Tung
Associate Creative Director: Rachel Lo
Senior Art Director: Brenda Ting
Art Director: Vince Cheung
Assistant Art Director: Wai Wai Wai
Copywriter: Ealon Li
Project in 2014